Category Engineering

4 Important Facts About Procurement that will Enhance Your Business Profitability

Aurous Energy Procurement
According to, "The work that an average business does with its suppliers accounts for 70% of the total revenue. Furthermore, their research found that for every income generated, 70% of it is invested back in the supply chain. And for this reason the procurement role is born in order to get the maximum value from all that money spent."

5 Shocking Benefits of TMT Steel Rods Usage for Your Projects

Aurous Energy Steel Rods
Do you know that TMT Steel Rods can advance your projects more than conventional mild steel bars? TMT steel rods, also known as Thermo-Mechanically Treated steel rods, are widely used in the construction industry for reinforcing concrete structures. TMT steel rods are manufactured by subjecting mild steel billets to a series of processes that involve rapid cooling, followed by re-heating and passing through rolling mills.